Isn't shopping good?
Some people may think that shopping is something nonsensical. Besides that some people think that they can gain more benefits from shopping. I am the one who think that shopping has more benefits than only waste some money. The most important factor that people think of shopping is for relaxing. Shopping can ignore people from tried and tension.
Another factor is shopping can help women burn Calories. The shopping of women can burn Calories 385 Calories per week. The researcher said that in a year, women spend their time to shop in the distance of 247 Kilometers. For a week, spend their time to shop for two hours as 4.7 Kilometers. When we calculate the number relate with their weigh, it is not different from exercising in fitness.
In conclusion, the researcher finds that if they spend time in shopping for three hours, it can burn their Calories for 495 Calories or 48,000 per year!!!
*** It can help you burn Calories also burn money. lol --- Should think over before paying.^^