วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Whiten skin by Vitamin C

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties.  It stimulates collagen building and reduces inflammation, also decrease the enzyme that produces melanin skin and helps to reduce dark spots which level skin tone from sunlight. All of properties I tell above are proven that it would work.

Eating Vitamin C in supplement form is necessary or not?

Vitamin C is the key to process in synthesis Collagen which is the composition of skin, muscles, tendons, blood, and various organs of our bodies. If our bodies lack of Vitamin C, it affects the functioning of various organs doubtless. Moreover, Vitamin C is a dissolved vitamin. The body cannot keep this kind of Vitamin, so adding Vitamin C to the body in daily is necessary for us to have a good health.

Vitamin C is distilled from natural than synthetic Vitamin?

The doctor said that Bioflavonoid substance is better in helping to enhance natural absorption of vitamin C but Vitamin C is easily absorbed already whether it was distilled or not, it does not matter, does not different. So, it is not a must to pay more money to the distilled Vitamin C because it is not different in many ways.

Is it true that eating large amount of Vitamin C can help women looks beautiful white skin?

First thing that I want to tell you is that no more study which talk about the whitening from eating Vitamin C. So, to have healthy skin you should take care both outside – apply sunscreen regularly, moisture your skin, and contain antioxidants -- and inside: eat enough nutrient food, do not stress, do not drink alcohol, and do not smoking.

In summary, Vitamin C in the form of supplement is an alternative way that will suitable with our body. If you eat healthy food, it is unnecessary to eat more Vitamin C. The things that you should do are only drinking enough water and take care of your skin from sunlight.

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Celebrate your joyful Valentine as a single lady!!!

Don't cry my girl!!!

Don't be sad even though you feel fade! You should rise to fine a good mood and fresh yourself. Share your love and happiness to other people, especially your family and your friends. If you do not want to see the atmosphere and roses bloom with the sweet couple, traveling can help you. Also, you can try these methods in order to make your Valentine’s Day as your happy and graceful day.

Celebrating with friends
Invite your friend to have lunch or party at home, it can help you avoid feeling lonely and sad. It will be better if your friend is single. lol

Sharing your love
You should provide to give your love to someone less fortunate, orphan or grandparent who has no one take care of them. More than having tender and compassion, you also getting some new friends. At least, you will get the warm welcome and sincerely response from them as well.

In addition, the important is that you should not block the relationship between you and everyone around you. Do not make yourself lonely. Do not drink. Just think that Valentine’s Day is just one regular day. In fact, it is a day of expensive flower!!!   

วันอังคารที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Welcome Valentine's Day^^!!!

Valentine’s Day is coming. When it comes, it is sure that it is not good for people who are single or heartbroken. Besides that there are many people love Valentine’s Day because they have their beloved. Also, this is the day to confess how much you love him?! --Cool! Besides feeling good and happy with the special day, the gift is considered important for the couple and friends. If you have no idea about what the gift should provide to surprise to your beloved, today I have the example of Valentine’s gift for sparking your idea.

The first classic gift is Rose. Rose is not the symbol of love for the young only, it can convey a variety of love ever. Several color of Rose will have different meaning.

Red Rose is the symbol of meaning “I love you”. If you presented red rose to your couple that love means that you are serious, everlasting love.

White Rose represents purity, the love that you do not want compensation.

Pink Rose represents the most romantic love. It shows the power of love that will grow more and more.

Yellow Rose represents the bright. Mostly, it used to visit the patient that brings feeling good for a friend.

Chocolate is also popular gift. Giving chocolate on Valentine’s Day is very important. It considered as giving all the good feeling of both giver and receiver. In addition, chocolate also has variety taste that we can choose. It will be more special if that chocolate is homemade because it shows your care and sincere.

Valentine’s Card is considered essential. You can write whatever you want to tell him from your mind. All the characters broadcast on the paper will show the love and sincerity, the more expensive gift than they are.

The last one is also important. The day of love, you should have the dinner with the special atmosphere that can be sweet and more romantic than ever during Valentine’s Day. It does not matter when you placed dinner because a person is more important than place. Both of you will have a romantic and real pleasure dinner.

Delight your Valentine^^ .....

วันอังคารที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Fruits for beautiful skin^^

As we know that fruits and vegetables have many benefits to our life. One of the benefits is to repair our skin for being healthy. So, today I want to talk about the benefit of fruits which affect our skin.

Guava, have more vitamin – B1, B2, B6 – iron, calcium and vitamin C than other fruits. Vitamin C is a nutrient. It is necessary for skin because it help to develop Collagen to against Antioxidants which is the cause of getting premature wrinkle. And the guava can make your skin bright and smooth.

Apple makes the skin moisture that brings the skin looks more vibrant. Moreover, apple can lose weight, burn fat, and control Cholesterol in our bodies, and help the digestive system works well.

Orange has Antioxidants that help our face looks fresh and young. It is full with a high value of nutrient – Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B which help to repair tissue and protect disease.

Papaya, ripe papaya has many Beta Carotene which is an Antioxidant that brings the benefit in the way of beauty such as reduce wrinkle, brighten skin, and protect your skin from Ultra-Violet.

In fact, there are many kinds of fruit that can help your skin beauty and healthy. I just choose the interested one to show the example of fruit’s benefit. Most every kind of fruit can make the skin better and healthier.

Eating fruit is not only getting beautiful skin, you also have good health as well.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

First things you have to do suddenly after waking up!!!

Making Fresh Start ...

In early morning, most women are feeling asleep and not cheerful that makes them unhappy. It brings them to be in a bad mood through the day. It will be better if women done the good thing for making a good health in the morning. All that day will be a good day for them and lead women to have an everlasting healthy.

And this is the four steps of making healthier in the morning.

Firstly, drinking a glass of fresh water, this step will help you wake up soundly. Also, your body is ready for the activity within that day as well.

Secondly, moving your body, after you have a little breakfast you have to take a workout for exercising your heartbeat and pumping your blood. Moreover, the researcher said that it is better to exercise in the morning because it can burn more calories.

Thirdly, eating Protein and Fiber can help the digestion in your body have a good working and also make yourself full until lunch as well.

Lastly, preparing a quality food, good meal, for eating both breakfast and lunch because people will have a good health from a good food. From phrase “You are what you eat” always acceptable. So, you have to eat the foods that have enough nutrients for keeping healthy.

All I tell above are exactly good for your healthy and your health. I think that it is a must to concern yourself and make a fresh start that begin from waking up until you sleep. It will be good if women have both good looking and good emotion. Everybody loves to talk or communicate with hospitality person more than unfriendly person that’s why I care too much about the looking outside, beauty, and inside, healthy.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Different view of Shopaholic!!

Isn't shopping good?

Some people may think that shopping is something nonsensical. Besides that some people think that they can gain more benefits from shopping. I am the one who think that shopping has more benefits than only waste some money.  The most important factor that people think of shopping is for relaxing. Shopping can ignore people from tried and tension.

Another factor is shopping can help women burn Calories. The shopping of women can burn Calories 385 Calories per week. The researcher said that in a year, women spend their time to shop in the distance of 247 Kilometers. For a week, spend their time to shop for two hours as 4.7 Kilometers. When we calculate the number relate with their weigh, it is not different from exercising in fitness.

In conclusion, the researcher finds that if they spend time in shopping for three hours, it can burn their Calories for 495 Calories or 48,000 per year!!!

*** It can help you burn Calories also burn money. lol --- Should think over before paying.^^

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Healthy Food for Working Women

Some working women have to work all day all night which have no enough time to take care their health. They concern too much about their works and neglect what they eat!
It affects them in the way which has no enough power to work. So, working women have to know how to maintain their health and become healthy.

Firstly, you should stop drinking tea or coffee to avoid sleepless and drink a cup of warm milk to feel relax when sleeping.

Secondly, when you feel tried should eat some beans, brown rice, Pasta, some kind of fruits: Orange, Watermelon, Berry. All of this can help decrease tension as well.

Lastly, when you have a headache, you should eat fish with influences with Omega-3: 3-4 times per week. Also, you should avoid drinking alcohol to stop headache.  

Above all, it will be worth if women can balance their time in working and concerning themselves in equal. They will have a good health with a good work time that helps to have both efficient work and become an efficient person.